Gnu Compilers

ASH WARE – Embedded Software Tools since 1994

GNU Compilers

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  1. What does the following message mean?
  2. How big is the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit?
  3. What targets does the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit support?
  4. On which development platforms will the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit run?
  5. Embedded compilers cost thousands of dollars, so why is the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit free?
  6. How good is the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit?
  1. What does the following message mean?
  2. make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.

    This message is generating by the GNU make utility when it determines that no compiles, assembles, links, etc., are required. The makefile, when configured correctly, has a set of dependencies. For example, file Main.o is dependent on file Main.c, such that if Main.o either does not exist, or has an earlier date tag than Main.C the GNU make utility will call the GNU compiler to create a new version of Main.0. The above message indicates that the makefile has determined that no compile or link options are required because all dependent files are up-to-date. To test this, delete all the object and executable image files by typing the following:

    make clean

    Now run the make utility again


    You should see all the compile and links take place.

  3. How big is the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit?

    • The self-extracting zipped version of the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit is just under 20 megabytes.
    • When unzipped the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit is about 150 megabytes.
  4. What targets does the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit support?
  5. Freescale's 68K targets, including CPU32 microcontrollers such as the 68332.
  6. On which development platforms will the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit run?
    • Microsoft Windows XP
    • Microsoft Windows 2000
    • Microsoft Windows NT
    • Microsoft Windows 98
  7. In order to run the toolkit under Windows 7, it must be run in XP Mode (XP Virtual PC).
  8. Embedded compilers cost thousands of dollars, so why is the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit free?
  9. Some people believe software should be free. Others REALLY like writing operating systems, compilers, etc. The subset of these two groups formed the Free Software Foundation. Click here to find out more . . .
  10. How good is the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit?
  11. There is a tremendous debate raging on the issue of free software. The argument has been made that free software cannot be any good. This debate ends when LINUX is compared with OS '98. Wind River made the GNU compilers an integral part of its success strategy. Our experience here at ASH WARE is that the GNU 68K/Coldfire C/C++ Compiler Toolkit is an excellent option, though we do support other compilers as well.